[吉隆坡 14日讯]
[吉隆坡 14日讯]<力威瓦集团> 再一次获得认证,成功通过了 #马来西亚企业及合作社发展部 (#KUSKOP) 的审核,全新升级了 #特许经营权的授权人 资格啦!!
同时,LIVIVA 也正式登入马来西亚 #特许经营官方平台系统(MyFex 2.0)啦!大家可以通过官方渠道查询到我们的相关信息哦!查询步骤:
1️⃣ 前往官方网站:https://myfexv2.kuskop.gov.my/semak
2️⃣ 输入 LIVIVA
3️⃣ 点击 "Cari"
非常感谢大马政府以及各个官方机构再次对我们集团的品牌信誉与专业能力的高度认可,这也让我们更有信心地继续为客户提供更加优质的服务,扶持所有的商家老板与企业总裁们 继续完成企业目标 实现企业梦想!
好消息来啦! 有兴趣想要进军金融业务、加盟成为我们的 #企业与融资顾问 的 专才与企业家们注意啦!机会来了!我们集团决定增加新一批的加盟名额,欢迎大家一起把握商机,通过「#力威瓦三宝」以及全马首创的 #线上咨询与商企融资顾问系统,一起扶持「#企壯百強」#群鷹會的群鹰企业们,拟定全面性布局并执行商企融资策略让企业成功立足大马开拓海外,实现迈向上市的梦想!
立即点击以下链接⬇️ 填写个人详情,申请成为<力威瓦集团>的特许加盟专业顾问吧!
We are glad to inform that LIVIVA Advisory Group has once again achieved a significant milestone by successfully passing the audit by the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development of Malaysia (#KUSKOP)✅ with upgrading our status as a #Franchisor! LIVIVA has officially been registered in Malaysia’s Franchise Official Platform (MyFex 2.0)! Look for our information through https://myfexv2.kuskop.gov.my/semak
We are deeply grateful to the Malaysian government & official agencies for their recognition of our brand credibility & professional capabilities!This gives us even more confidence to continue providing high-quality services to our clients helping business owners and corporate CEOs achieve their goals and realize their dreams!
Great news! We are opening up a new batch of franchise opportunities. Grab the opportunity and join us as a Business and Financing Advisor! Let's facilitate The Eagles' Summit members by leveraging the「LIVIVA Signatures」and ONLINE Business Consulting and Financing Advisory Business Portal to grow their business and eventually to be listed on Bursa Malaysia.
Fill in your details with the link below⬇️ to apply as our franchisee now
► Facebook Page : Liviva Advisory Group 力威瓦集团
► Instagram : instagram.com/livivaadvisorygroup
► Website : liviva.com